Okay I know it’s Tuesday and I don’t usually post Tuesday but here’s the thing I have one single friend and nothing to do okay, so I’m taking refuge in having a project is there anything so wrong with that?
Also something crazy happened last night and I can’t wait til Wednesday to tell you about it.
Okay so I went to bed at a normal hour on Monday night, right? Actually, it was sorta early because I was exhausted because these assholes keep making me EXERCISE I am not here to learn to exercise I’m here to learn to exorcise but whatever I’m already off track sorry I’m super tired let me start over
So I went to bed last night, and was dead asleep within minutes. Next thing I know someone in a hood is leaning over my bed, shaking me gently awake.
I mean you can guess how I reacted to that.
It took three people in robes to stop me flailing, but it wasn’t until I recognized the hooded figure holding the candle that I calmed down.
“Jesus,” Katharine whispered. “We’re not here to kill you, calm down.”
Andie was already out of bed, looking sleepy but not at all surprised in their boxers and tank top, mop of hair all wild.
No one answered me when I asked what was happening. Instead Katharine hissed, “You’re going to wake the whole floor, be quiet!”
So I allowed myself to be steered into the hall and lined up against the wall in the candle light, wearing nothing but an old sweater I stole from Julian.
They collected like ten of us, including me, Bass, Andie, and that girl Marina. Then Katharine gave us a hissed warning about being quiet from under her hood, and we filed downstairs and out into the night.
“Where are we going?” I whispered to Bass.
“No idea,” he whispered back, and he was all excited not furious like I was.
“Where’s Rook?”
Bass shrugged. “They didn’t wake him up.”
Katharine and her hooded companions brought us to the library, and then down the stairs towards the archives. The dread really kicked then because I thought we were going to have to go into the archives, and they’re like… dark and creepy during the day. But we didn’t stop there, we kept going down and down, deeper and deeper underground.
Eventually we came to an old door, with a roughly drawn sigil stained on the front.
“Beyond this door,” Katharine announced, turning to look at us from beneath her deep hood, “is Saint Niveus’ greatest secret, and if you care to pass through it, I must ask that you swear yourself to secrecy.”
She paused for a moment while I imagined how much fun it’s going to be to write about this on my blog hahahahaha.
Katharine said, “If you choose to join us, place your hand on the sigil, and say I swear to Saint Niveus, I won’t say a word. Otherwise, I invite you to go back to bed like good little minnows.”
There was a brief moment of pause. Then Marina, who was wearing a flimsy, silky little sleep set which my gay ass couldn’t help but Notice, strode forward, placed her hand on the stain and said, clearly, “I swear to Saint Niveus, I won’t say a word.”
I was expecting something to happen, like the sigil to glow or something. In the dark, whispery silence of that rough stone corridor, genuinely anything seemed possible. But nothing did — the torches cast strange shadows on the walls and our nervous faces.
“Go ahead,” Katharine said and Marina, without so much as looking back, went inside.
None of us ended up turning back. We all swore ourselves to secrecy, and then opened the door to go inside. Even me.
It was… a basement? Sorta? It was a huge room, segmented by these roughly hewn stone pillars. There was no electricity down there, just torches set into the walls and candles sat atop old amorphous wax mountains.
Immediately before us, a bunch of smaller, scarred up tables had been set up like a sort of haphazard banquet table, piled with candles, bottles of wine, and mountains of grapes and pears, roasted carrots and potatoes, and thick crusty bread. And at the table, sitting in mis-matched, aged chairs, were maybe 20 upperclassmen I didn’t know wearing brown robes.
And at the head of the table, of course, was %($&#% )@*&%*#$)!.
“Welcome,” he said. “We’re the !@$#% !^ %$#$@ #&^(%^”
LOL wtf
*&$)@ )$ @!*$% *&#@^!
?????????? What the fuck is happening
#!$%@ )$ @!*(^ *(%$*@
OMFG it won’t let me type it!!!!!! Hang on let me try something else

(ID: I try to write out what happened by hand but instead of words all I can write are scribbles end ID)
Okay so evidently I can’t tell you exactly who they were or what happened down there last night hahahahahaha
Teach me to swear on any strange sigils lmfao jesus fuckin christ
Okay I’m gonna do my best to describe what happened and see what I can get away with:
There is a secret society at Saint Niveus college, and last night they selected a few minnows to bring down to Saint Niveus’ basement labs to woo us.
It took me like 20 minutes to write that one sentence because I kept getting #$!#@!$%# again.
I can’t tell you any of the details without my computer throwing a temper tantrum, but I will say this:
+ I don’t know why I can tell you that Katharine was there but I can’t tell you who was sitting at the head of the table, directing the meeting. There is only one person who it could be, I was absolutely not at all surprised to see him there. But just in case you can’t guess, his friends all call him 🐦
+ yes, I was chosen because a certain group of people know that Lana wants to mentor me personally
+ yes, I am super annoyed that they didn’t select Rook, they’re fucking idiots. Rook is the perfect candidate for their pretentious little club, not me lol I’m literally here because I have to be, I 0% earned my spot at this school
+ yes, it was an objectively fucking awesome night. Wine was drunk, feasts were partaken of. They told us unbelievable stories about the feats past members of their society have achieved. At one point I drank wine out of an owl skull. The candles made the whole night flicker with movement. They sang us this song from another world, this haunting, droning song that made the whole cavernous room hum.
+ no, I will not be joining them. Last night getting into bed I felt like they had cracked the world open and exposed all it’s tender flesh, but this morning, as I was struggling to run in the chilly morning air after getting like 3 hours of sleep last night, I was snapped firmly back to reality.
If there’s anything I’ve learned about Saint Niveus in the last two days, it’s that they’re searching for knowledge, knowledge at any cost. I don’t know exactly what it would cost to understand my abilities, but I know enough to not want to pay it.
Still, this morning, watching Robert, Katharine, Rebecca, Oscar and Theodore swipe and thrash at each other with sabres, the elegant curves of them, untouched by any sign of exhaustion, their faces obscured by mesh masks, like… I don’t know how to explain it.
They just seem so certain about everything. Like they’re standing right on the edge of the world so in the morning the sun shines on their faces first. I would give almost anything to feel like that. Almost